Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm so glad you got sick!!!

This experience happened a few days ago, but for purposes of family in the West Indies, China and across the United States, I wanted to share this story.

Kenyon rode in the Tour of St. George last Saturday, October 18th. This tour is a Century ride which means it’s a 100 mile bike race. He had trained for a couple of months, and although he never feels like he has trained enough, he was ready for a good ride. The weather was perfect for a bike ride and the route was very scenic.

My friend Marie and I, and her 5 boys were following the race, as Marie’s son Tory and his friend Taylor were also riding. The cheerleaders would typically pull ahead of the cyclists, cheer them on as they rode by, and then drove ahead again, to wait and cheer (or heckle) other riders during our stops.

When Kenyon arrived at the 40 mile mark –he wasn’t feeling great. It was the lunch break for the ride, and his stomach was hurting. He didn’t feel like eating, which means he didn’t energize his body.

He rode several more hours, another 35 miles and was ascending up the steepest grade of the race. He still was not feeling well. At 75’ish miles, he pulled under an underpass and stopped his bike. It wasn’t a planned stop, nor did he see the underpass coming and say to himself “I’ll go to the underpass then stop”.. rather he rode under the underpass and essentially just stopped his bike. He got off his bike and called me to say that he wanted us to come and pick him up. He had decided he would ride in the car to the top of the hill, see if he could shake off the stomach ache, and then enjoy the fun part down snow canyon, which is the steepest descent of the race. Marie turned the car around to go back to get him, and just then, Tory and Taylor were approaching the car, so we waited a moment or two, to cheer them on, then we were headed back to pick up Kenyon. I would guess it took us 10 minutes or so to reach him.

During these 10 minutes, Kenyon got off his bike and was waiting for us. As he stood there, he started examining his bike, and he noticed a bulge in his tire, along with a tiny crack in the rubber. When Marie and I arrived, Kenyon loaded his bike onto the bike rack on the back of the car. As he loaded it, he showed us the bulge in the tire and we both said that it wasn’t a good idea to ride on that tire. He didn’t have a spare with him, so he was pretty bummed that his ride for the day was over.. especially, because he was excited to “haul” down Snow Canyon.. what he anticipated to be the best part of the ride. As we passed cyclists coming down the canyon, we tracked them at about 35-40 miles per hour.

At the final rest stop, we were pulled over, waiting for Tory and Taylor to arrive, when we heard what sounded like a gun shot! We turned around to see Kenyons back tire spinning. Jace (one of our cheerleaders) said “I think your tire just blew”. We all scrambled out of the car to check it out, and sure enough – that bulge and crack in the tire had blown and the tire was shredded.

I’m grateful that my husband felt the prompting of the spirit to stop his bike and get off. And I’m grateful that he had a stomach ache. I know that sounds weird, but – remember my entry from the Lotoja (204 miles, 15 ½ hours)? He doesn’t give up a bike race.

Everyone in our group that day realized the impact of what would have happened if Kenyon had been flying down Snow Canyon and the tire had blown.

I’m a lucky girl!

Welcome to the world baby Vivi!

Can I have her? Pleeaasseeee!!!!

I'm a "Loser"

Don't worry, you don't have to respond and tell me "no your not, your a winner!" I'm totally talking about the real "losing".

I think I'm losing my short term memory.. is it an over 40 thing?

I keep losing my car. Like - I park in the parking lot at the mall, and when it's time for me to leave.. I have no idea where I parked, or what door I came in. NOTHING looks familiar to me!

Yesterday I went to Zupa with friends for lunch. I parked the car, ate lunch and when walking out of Zupa, I walk in the opposite direction of the car. How sweet is Nicole to say "hey Kris, I think we parked over here!" Like.. in a totally sweet and patient way, not like I would have said as I'm thinking.. Duh dork! You don't even know where you parked your car?

Finally tonight -I'm pulling out of the parking lot at the church to take Jessie home, and I turned the wrong direction. I only have ONE GIRL in my car and I don't know which direction to turn. Jessie's response.. "Um - I live the other way!"

I'm old! Maybe this is what I get for making fun of my mom... who's like 100!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Way, way less than 500 days

A good friend of mine brought to my attention today that I suck at blogging! She said "you haven't blogged for 2 months".. Wow! Someone noticed?
Don't worry - I still have plenty to say, but I guess I've been busy river rafting, camping, going to the beach, bear watching, lying in the sun, wake surfing, pretending to be someone elses mom, and cheering for my husband. I know.. it's quite a life!
As for Al P. He's at 485 days and counting. Time is flying.. remember my blog when I was in the 700's?
At 8 + months he's a full time door knockin', BOM carryin', service doin' taco eatin', divorcin' and marryin', baptizn' Elder. He's happy - therefore, I'm happy! He also gets to work at the Mexico City Temple Re-Dedication starting next week, and it's rumored that President Monson will be there!
He's got 15 of his group of 17 friends that are in the mission field. They are serving from the Phillipines to Hawaii. How can 19 year olds be so amazing! I'm a proud mom of all 15 of them.. whether they belong to me or not!
Today's motto.. "my life is happy, even when the world is crumbling"..

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Still too many...

Alex's number of days is till in the 500's.. what the heck.. is he EVER coming home?

Monday, August 25, 2008

The burning of the tie..

Wednesday, August 20 was Alex's 6 month missionary anniversary! I really never thought I'd say it's gone fast, but I have survived the summer without him, and we are on our way into the holidays.. so maybe fast is a good description.

A normal missionary tradition is to burn a tie at 6 months, so here is the "burning of the tie" ceremony on Wednesday!

Also- in his e-mail today, he said he is being transferred tomorrow (Tuesday, August 26). He has also been called as District Leader! Go Hijo!
Also - Congratulations to Mom and Dad who have been in Guyana for a year! We love all our missionaries and are so proud of you!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Family Resemblence?

My sister Donell was in town for a few days last weekend with her daughter Betsi and Betsi's kids! It was so fun to spend time with them! They are such fun kids and so entertaining. Both Adrian and Emma are always looking for an audience - and we were happy to be so entertained. In the meantime, Ty was following in her mothers, and grandmother's artistic footsteps and drew pictures for everyone! I miss you guys so much and I'm so glad I got to see you!

When I looked at this picture, I couldn't believe all those brown eyes! :) Cute girls... Oh and Adri!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

"How I spent my Summer Vacation".. by Kris Tanner

Just wanted to give you all a flava for my summer vacation! We went to Cancun, "Meheeco" (as Dustin would say), with our friends Clay and Marie! Super blue water, nice hotel on the beach and very relaxing.. by the time Thursday rolled around I had forgotten that I had a job, a calling, or any other responsibilities.

Favorite moments... in no particular order

"Beargin" Pina' Colada's every day
Restaurante Margarita (chips and salsa to be specific)
Cold Diet Coke by the pool
Not dying
Parasailing / jetskiing
Attending the Branch on Sunday in Playa Del Carmen
Yummy "Boofay with the feesh, and the cheekin"
Our cool matchy handmade bracelets
Shopping and Haagen Daz
Marie eating those apple pie things at McDonalds
Missing the whole Mariachi thing because I visited the ladies room.. (ok not my favorite part, but it happened)
Tulum - "The Father, The Son and Nobody"
Clay and Kenyon "watching and warning"
Birthing and holding hands with Marie

That's "how I spent my summer vacation"!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"I miss carpet"

Just an exerpt from Al P's e-mail this week! He got a new comp- they are getting along well! He said he's a dancer, so occassionally there is a random pirrouette in the kitchen, but other than that - they are doing great and working hard!

Two things he misses this week:
1- carpet
2- driving a car

Funny - I don't miss either of those things this week!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What's the difference?

Conversation that Kenyon and I had in the car yesterday while driving past a big farm..

Kris: "Wow - Look at that!"
Kenyon: "Oh - those are Elk, for a second I thought they were Reindeer"
Kris: "Aren't Elk and Reindeer the same thing"?
Kenyon: "No!"
Kris: "What's the difference?"
Kenyon: "Elk are wild"

Voices in Kris' head: "Oh and Reindeer live at the North Pole with Santa, so they are not wild."


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shiny, Happy People

I got home from Camp on Saturday afternoon! Good to be home, but SO FUN at camp!
Our Camp Theme this year was "Anchor Yourself to Christ" which worked out perfectly, because we had started our year with New Beginnings at the beginning of the year and our theme was "Steadfast in Him" and we did a nautical theme as well! This camp tied together perfectly.
My friend Wendy was called as the Stake Camp Director and there could NOT have been a better director for this year. Some of my favorite things about Wendy are.. She's fun, dramatic, creative, artsy, introduces me to new things that I don't get, super spiritual, a great mom, and she's one of my dearest friends.. (plus she helped me with my mailbags totally last minute - as if she didn't have anything else to do).

On our first day we were given sailor hats, and each girl, prior to camp had made 15 individual pins that were to be traded with other girls, to make new friends at camp. When I first heard this idea, I was like - wow - that sounds like a pain, and a lot of work, but they turned out SO cute.. I totally get it now! It was super fun to see all the girls with their hats on and their cute collection of pins! I LOVED IT!

The second day was the hike - which I usually hate, but this year, I got to hike with my new 2nd counselor, and new BF for Life.. Melonie! She was so super fun to hike with, and I feel lucky to be able to work with her! We spent a lot of time getting to know each other and she now knows a lot about me like, what a smart mouth I have, how I mock the girls, and that I'm not as cool as I try to pretend!

Third day was a highlight this year.. for one reason - it's testimony meeting, and that is always the best part of camp - but the 2nd best part was that we had the MOTHER OF ALL WATERFIGHTS!! So fun - the leaders snuck squirt guns to the creek, but they were kind of leaking and not very powerful - so the girls pretty much just laughed at us and said "next year, you might want to buy more powerful guns".. but little did they know - that in the trees was a giant pail of water! I went up and got it and doused the same 2 girls 3 different times. The best part was they totally saw it coming, but were in the creek with croc's and couldn't move, so they pretty much had to stand there and take it ALL THREE TIMES! They got me back though.. I can't explain how - but let's just say my clothes were soaked to the skin when the bishop got there.. I mean ALL of my clothes!! I had to make sure not to hug anyone too tight! If you were there - you know what I'm talking about.. If you weren't - sorry! But it's dang funny!

Why do I love camp so much? Maybe it's permission to act like a 15 year old! Maybe it's staying up in the leader tent making Julie laugh ALL NIGHT, or maybe it's that there is such a great spirit - that going home to a clean bed and shower, just feels wrong! I LOVE CAMP! Every last yellow inch of it!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A perfecto combinacion

Two of his favorites (not together).. Cholula and Ben and Jerrys - Courtesy of Walmart!!

Just an update from Alex today, Monday, July 14th. His e-mail sounded great! He said that there are some changes coming and he'll be getting a new companion on Tuesday. Elder Polendo has been a great companion for him - I'll be forever grateful to him for showing Alex the way for the first 2 1/2 months.

Al's spirits are great, he had another baptism - a woman who he has been working with for several weeks. Actually, he and Elder Polendo taught her, but her son was able to baptize her. Very cool!
One great quote in this weeks e-mail "You will never see a homesick missionary in the baptismal font". As usual he is looking on the bright side and as always - it's all in the attitude! He's working hard and say's that time is flying - before you know it he'll be burning a tie!

I love you Elder! Keep up the good work!
My District

Monday, July 7, 2008

It's a bit too much Yellow!!

I walked by my dining room table tonight and it was covered with stuff for camp! I realized that my camp is a little too happy! At this point, it kinda makes me want to throw up! So... I wanted you to have the same experience!

No - Your eyes do not decieve you... you DO see a yellow cowbell! It's a long story!!

Baby Fat!

Meet the squishiest baby ever! This is my nephew Elliot! He is the sweetest thing you've ever seen!

This is my nephew Ezra and his Daddy Shane! They live in China.. Ezra and his big brother Jonas (elected not to be on camera) both speak Chinese! Yeah - they have to "dumb it down" for Kenyon and I.

The only baby fat missing was Naomi.. who slept the whole time I was there! How convenient.. well at least she won't have squish bruises, and sore cheeks from too much lovin'.. I will admit thought that Elliot flirted with me all night and at the end - I even got the sloppiest tounge kiss ever! Good stuff!

These two scary guys are making a baby sandwhich with Elliot!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Stage 1 - Valverde (Spain) in Yellow

Happy Stage 1 of the "Tour de France" everyone! Day one, Stage one goes to Alejandro Valverde!

I have no one to cheer for this year since Tom Boonen got booted for recreational cocaine use! He was my front-runner this year! :(

I guess I can always go back to my standard "big George".

Kenyon is cheering for the Slip Stream Garmin Chipotle Team and his front runner is Christian Vande Velde. (thus the argyle blog page - in case you've been wondering)!

Friday, July 4, 2008

A birthday with 5,000 of his closest friends...

Clay's Birthday is on July 3rd and we celebrated with he and 5,000 of his closest friends at the fireworks at Eaglewood Golf Course! Here are some snapshots of our party! Happy Birthday Clay!

Clay gets cuffed at booked by Henry!!

May the fourth be with you!!

A Smoke Bomb Tradition

For the 4th of July - we have a tradition! We bring Duncan smoke bombs and he lights them all in a bucket and jumps over the bucket, say about 1,000 times! Tonight the entire backyard smelled like smoke bombs and I'm sure we ruined a neighborhood 4th of July BBQ or two, with the cloud of smoke as thick as the atomic bomb floating over Midvale.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Chicken Feet - The other white meat!

Alex has had a few experiences with chicken feet... "here a claw, there a claw, everywhere a claw claw".. I guess he's learned to like them "knuckles, bones and all".

The rainy season in Mexico City.. He's never dry!

Turtle Power..

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Some things never change.. and then again..

I love this picture of Alex. It reminds me that some things never change.
First - He loves taking pictures of himself with camera's.
Second - He loves KISS
Third - He's obviously ok.. you can tell by the fact that he is making a weird face
(I'd say it's the perfect shirt for a missionary! Wouldn't you?)

Then again.. look at the picture below! Some things never change - except your weight, and the size of doors - when you are in a 3rd world country. I wish I knew how much weight he has lost, but I don't think he has access to a scale.. he barely has access to a toilet seat!

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Love You!

Me and my little boy!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Like a Rock!

We had a fun Youth Conference last week - our ward combined with the 1st ward - and we headed to Moab! We had a great Youth Committee and an even better food committee.. Thanks RaNae- the 5 additional pounds looks great on me!

Day one - we drove from SLC to Moab and hiked Double Arch and Delicate Arch. At the top of delicate arch, our youth leaders conducted a devotional and we sand "High on the Mountain Top". Wow- it was so great! That night we pretty much hung out together.

Day Two - A day on the river - we had rafts and duckies and both youth and leaders had a lot of fun! Everyone got wet!
That evening we had a super spiritual testimony meeting and it was amazing to see those kids bear testimony of the gospel and of their experiences. A lot of new friendships were formed on this trip and it was a great experience to be able to be part of it.
Day Three - We headed to the Monticello Temple where the youth did Baptisms for the Dead. Another great and spiritual experience... then home!
The car I rode in was BY FAR the best - we had an 8 person sing-a-long from Price to SLC.. lots of hugs when we parted ways! I'm grateful for the experience and grateful for my association with such great kids!