I asked my niece Emma, what she likes to do in her free time, she said "math". I said "Oh, really? You should be a computer programmer" she said "No, I'm going to be a lawyer". (I didn't know that lawyers were that "mathy"). Anyway, she went to get her "blue binder" to show me some of her made up math problems. Take a look for yourself! Rather than "long division" we call it "eternal division". Good luck correcting that baby!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Eternal Division
"Renember last year when I made that snail crap?"
Tonight I spent 2-3 hours with family. I don't get to see my nieces and nephew very often, but when I do, we have a blast. Non-stop laughing, usually at someone elses' expense.
This was a favorite line from my nephew Adrien. He's 10. He asked if we renembered last year, when he visited grandma's house, and he picked up a snail in the front yard and it crapped all over the place?" Unfortunately.. we did remember!
You are a murderer of.. grapes!
As a combined activity, we did service at the LDS Church's Sandy Garden last week. I'm not a huge gardener, but I had a couple of tasks while I was there. First, I was asked to prune the grape leaves. The instructions were for me to cut the leaves back to the part on the branch where the grapes were growing (leaving the bunch of grapes on the vine) . It was a giant entanglement of vines, and I did an ok job, but every once in awhile, I would trim too far up on the vine, and a bunch of grapes would be pruned along with the excess vine. I did this 2-3 times, and each time, I felt as though I was killing grapes. They'll never have a chance to fully prosper because of me!
Who's the marketing genius?
I was at the store tonight and walked by the freezer section when I "thought" I saw "Bryers Double Chin Ice Cream". Turns out, it's actually "Double Churn".. totally different ice cream!