Saturday, August 4, 2007

Fridays Off Work = A Good Thing

This summer has been great! Not only have I had a chance to spend time with the girls at Camp and Trek, but I've also had some Fridays off to do whatever the heck I wanna do! Wendy and I went to Lagoon a few Saturdays ago - as we were floating down the lazy river, Wendy said "ya know what would be great? If you didn't have to work, we could play all the time!" Amen sister! Well - Fridays off are about as close as I'll get to that dream!

Last Thursday night, I drove to Bear Lake to hang with Wendy, Erin, Duncan and Claire AND their cousins.. yep - 7 kids! It was great fun - and completely squishy (water pipe broke)! But we made the best of it! Fun in the sand and sun!
Check out the hotties! I was kinda nervous to put bathing suit photo's out here, but we've all probably seen worse!


Travis Tanner said...

Hey guys...I just read your whole bolg and loved every minute of it. Thank you for sharing so much of your summer with us. It was so enjoyable hearing about Alex's graduation, Trek (I really enjoyed this as I could relate to many of your experiences), and Girls Camp.

I'll admit my favorite part of your blog is the photos of Kenyon in spandex...keep those coming!

Anonymous said...

Kris Wow! Great Blog Job. I loved the trek pix and stories, made me shed a few tears too. This is going to be a great photo album for us when Al is far away on his Mission. It will be real good for his mama. Love seeing and hearing about the good life the Tanner's have. The YW are soooo cute, what a character Lauren is no wonder Al's gone gaga. You and Rene look like one of the girls, so cute and young. The beach babes aren't bad either. Hugs to all, Love ya much