On Saturday, August 18 - we went to the Midvale Harvest Days concert with our friends the Forrests. We had a great time, just laying on the grass on a blanket hanging out with our BFF's! Kenyon dozed most of the time, while Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband played. Ideally, we would have been at "Brian Regan" but since we are "entertainment retards" and didn't know he was coming, we pacified ourselves with "The Corndog Song"... it's a catchy little tune -"corndogs, corndogs, they are so good to me.. good when they're hot, good when their cold, good when they're fresh, good when their old".. Yep - like I said - "Most Fun Ever!!".
After the concert and the "pee in a port-a-potty using a lighter" experience (dang - I wish I had taken a picture of that - you guys would have LOVED it!) - Midvale put on a serioulsy amazing fireworks EXTRAVAGANZA... It was so cool! The show was about 25 minutes long and we had a great seat... except for the burning cinders coming at you at the speed of light - it was awesome.. Fortunately - no one was seriously burned (until the next day, when I cooked soup - but that's another blog).. no no.. I'm fine!
Me and Kenyon - right after the corndog song - see how happy we are?

Hi- Sorry about the random comment about the stranger but I just wanted to tell you that I put in a search for "Ian and Wendy Forrest" who are old friends of ours and they popped up on your blog! Anyway, I'm hoping I can find their email address and get in touch again. Does she have a blog? If so could you email it to me (if she says it's ok) I'm her friend Elisabeth B. from BYU married ward days. Thanks!
Ok, I am a major nerd and meant to say sorry about the random comment FROM A stranger! Anyway, tell Wendy I said hi and she looks just the same!It's been about 5 years since I saw them last.
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