Over Labor Day weekend and in preparation for Kenyon's big race next Saturday, we took off to Preston, Idaho for the weekend. We camped along the Bear River about 6 miles Northeast of Preston. Why Preston, Idaho... you might ask? No- it's not because we are huge Napoleon Dynamite fans.. The reason, is because there is a really steep 25 mile 7% grade hill that Kenyon will be riding next week. This hill is one of the harder hills in the Lotoja race. Kenyon wanted to get himself prepared - so off we went.. Alex - brought a couple of his best gals.. I mean pals... along and we had a great weekend.
See photo's below the first photo is Kenyon prepping for his big ride... the 2nd photo is Kenyon after the big ride.. Hmmm - I wonder if he'll burn off that "Rulon Gardener Burger" during his 208 mile race next Saturday? That's quite a training diet you've got going there!
Ladies - let me ask you a question.. What does your husband do when you go on a family camping trip? Fishing, whittling, or maybe hiking? How about shaving his legs around the campfire? Yep - My hero!
A picture of the kids having so much fun camping! Tanner camp-outs are always the best! Poor little punkins... just got all tuckered out!! Yep - that's Lu asleep on Al asleep on Melisa! ZZZzzzzZZZZzzzz
Love the photo of kenyon shaving his legs! Looks fun guys!
Kenyon, enjoy eating "power goo" for 24 hours. We're rooting for you.
Hey, in answer to your question about the slideshow...go into "customize" and hit the tab called "transitions". I chose the "plain" transition vs. the "photostack" on yours. Isn't this new world of blogging fun? It's so fun to keep tabs on what you guys are up to.
There are children starving in Africa. It looks like one of those could fee the whole African continent! Just another example of America's glutonous social patterns. JK! I don't see Kris eating one of those monsters. Smart Girl! Love seeing all your fun activities w/family and friends. Hugs Deb
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