Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bye, Bye Jeep!

I'm sort of officially freaking out, which could be why it's 2:30 a.m. on Sunday, October 28th and I'm blogging!

We said good-bye to Alex's jeep on Friday. He sold it to a buddy of his from High School. This is sort of the first "official" mission step and... today - in about 10 hours, he has an appointment with the Bishop to turn in his papers.

We've had the jeep for 10 years - Kenyon bought it new when Alex was 8 and made him a promise, that when he got his drivers license - the jeep would be his. BTW - from a mom's perspective- NEVER.. make that promise unless you really intend to keep it! 4 years ago, Alex held Kenyon to that promise. The deal was that Alex would drive the jeep until he left for his mission, at which time, he would sell the jeep and use the money to pay for his mission!

I must say, what an awesome "Dad" Kenyon is to make that committment and then follow-through. I'm so lucky to be married to such a great guy and lucky to have a son that is pursuing his goal of a mission. Wish us luck! (sniff, sniff).

Official photo of the Mission Papers! (sorry Al)


Amy Tanner said...

I'll say awesome DAD! I know when Travis sees this he's going to wish Al sold the jeep to him. Way to go Alex! Can't wait to hear where you get called.

Travis Tanner said...

WHAAAT?? Alex, why didn't I get a chance to bid...I would have snached that baby up. Blood is thicker than your friend's checkbook!

j/king, I don't know if Amy would let me take my boys out 4-wheeling at least not for a few more years.

Travis Tanner said...

WHAAAT?? Alex, why didn't I get a chance to bid...I would have snached that baby up. Blood is thicker than your friend's checkbook!

j/king, I don't know if Amy would let me take my boys out 4-wheeling at least not for a few more years.