Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Don't feed the animals"

I know my India posts are sort of random at this point. I've been home for a week now, but I had to share another story. The last night we were in India, we went sightseeing to "the Shore Temple". This is not an LDS temple, but rather, many ancient temples that are carved out of a mountain. They were carved in the 7th Century under the reign of Rajasimha. It is really beautiful and quite remarkable to see the amount of detail in these carvings. Each is an individual masterpiece.

The temples are located right near the Indian Ocean, so we made a stop at the beach before heading back to our hotel. As we were driving to the beach, we spotted a monkey sitting on a wall. It was our first "wild animal" (alive) so we decided to get out and see it. Jim had a small package of crackers, so he opened it and walked to the wall to give a cracker to the monkey, which the monkey was glad to accept. At the same time - he felt the tug of a hand on his shirt, and this girl was pointing to her mouth.. essentially saying "don't feed the monkey - feed me".

This was one of the many times in India that I felt a giant sob inside. Look at her - she is so beautiful. We obviously gave her the remaining crackers, and she, in turn, gave us a smile. Oh how I wish I could have brought her home with me to live. She will be carved in my memory forever.

1 comment:

Meier Family said...

Wow! She is beautiful and I certainly would give her all of the questions asked! I am glad you are having such great experiences there! Can't wait to hear all about it! I'm coming in two weeks!:)