Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just me and my boys!

My friend Sue did a photo shoot of my family the Saturday before Alex left for the MTC! The photo's turned out so good! Take a sneak peak for yourself at
Thanks Sue-bee - you are a master.. and yes - I needed a tissue!


Meier Family said...

Wow Kris! Those pics are amazing! You look beautiful and I LOVE the close up of you three and the one of you guys walking together---what a cute family! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!:)

Travis Tanner said...

Way cool photos!

Daddo said...

Great photos... of course it helps to have professional models in the shots.
I wish we could get some family photos like that. Usually when we try, the photographer says to me- "Kurt stand back a little, I can see your face too much!"
I love you Sis!