Sunday, November 4, 2007

Daffodil Girls

Yesterday we went to "Fiddlefest" at the Tahitian Noni in Provo. Two of my young women - Lauren and Lex are in a Bluegrass band - Daffodil Ridge, and they performed at this festival. There are three of them in the band, Lauren, Lex and their friend Hannah. All are in their junior year at Hillcrest, and all play more than one instrument. Although they were nervous, they did so good - in their first ever public performance. They also have a great manager.. one of the best girls, I've ever met.. Kim - I hope your reading this and weeping a tiny bit... You know it's true - I love you! We all know how amazing you are!

Anyway - check out their website at
Coming soon to a city near you!

P.S. My favorite song that they sing is "I'll Fly Away". Nice job girls! Al P. Melisa and I are your biggest fans!


Meier Family said...

So dang cute! Wish I could have been there to see them perform..:( I absolutely LOVED visiting all of you and was very sad there wasn't more time to hang out. I just went from thing to thing and time ran out so fast! I'll definitely come see you all at Christmas-----thanks for everything and just being YOU!

Kim Dubois said...

Aww, shucks. I'm weeping.