Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mission Call Details...

We are now home from St. George and can provide a little more detail on the opening of Alex's mission call. We had about 40 people in our family / kitchen area for the opening of Alex's mission call.

I sort of interevened a little in this entire process.. here is why! We had heard that the call could come as early as Wednesday, November 21st which was a surprise, because the papers were only delivered to Church Headquarters on Tuesday, November 13th - so we sort of expected the call to come on Wednesday, November 28th. Because we were planning our thanksgiving trip to St. George, our Bishop was kind enough to call the Missionary office and ask if Alex's papers were in process. He found out that they were being mailed. Wow - that was the first rush of adrenaline for all of us.

On Wednesday morning, around 9:15 a.m. I headed to the Midvale post office to check and see if they had arrived - luckily our postman is late to get on the road (we generally get our mail delivered between 4-5 in the afternoon). Sure enough, a kindly gentleman in the post office walked to the back room and walked back out with our daily mail. He looked me in the eye and said "fun times ahead"... there it was - a 9x11 envelope from "The Office of the First Presidency" addressed to Elder Alex Todd Petersen. Holy cow! It was real!

We made phone calls and were able to get most of our loved ones together for the opening. We had lots of interesting guesses from Zimbabwe, to Belize.. 2 friends in the group guessed Mexico. I didn't even end up guessing.... it was just way to stressful for me!

Anyway - it was a great night, and so much fun to see so many people gather around with love and support for Alex. Feel free to check out Al's Mission website at:

We have much to be thankful for!


Meier Family said...

So exciting! I bet it was so fun to have so much support for the opening of the call! Hope your Thanksgiving was great and tell Alex the best of Congrats from the Meier Family!:)

Kim Dubois said...

Yay for Alex!